Tom Andrew
So, let's avoid podcasting burnout, shall we?
But HOW, you scream into the endless, dark and lonely void. Calm down, collect yourself, you're better than these sudden fits of rage. Stick with us and we’ll tell you.
Develop a system for consistent and efficient episode production
First tip, develop a foolproof system that helps you maintain consistency and high-quality episode production. An easy way to achieve this is to plan your content in advance. Carve out a nice little block calendar to keep highly organised and get batch recording and producing yourcontent. You're an established podcaster by now, with your unique, engaging, voice, you no longer need practice to make perfect. Record. And in bulk.
And hey, you know that block calendar we mentioned a little earlier? Yeah, that one. That's where you'll also be setting out the time to do all the other fun tasks that are instrumental to the success of your pod. Such as having your podcast edited, mixed, the show notes written etc. And if there's one or more of these tasks that you genuinely can't stand, well, that brings us to our next point which is...
Delegate the tasks you don't enjoy to someone who all-out relishes them. Trust us, they're out here. Not only will this add to your efficiency, but it will enhance the quality of work on the tasks that manage to so accurately pique your personal disdain. Don't let it all fall apart because you're yet to master a particular task. Personally, we know a guy who can handle your editing and mixing. Someone else will be thrilled to take said tasks off your hands. Find them. Worship them.
Set goals. Celebrate when you reach them.
Life’s a little aimless without something to work towards and motivation can
sometimes be aspiteful little bitch. Goal setting, no matter how bite sized, will
keep you right on track.
Look, we’re not here to tell you how to live your life, nor are we trying to go all James Clear on you, but there are some key elements to goal setting that we’ll touch on. The calendar will really help here, with a clear timeline to achieve certain tasks, you’ve just simply got a better chance of getting there. It’s also instrumental in tracking your progress. Talk about your goals –and their timelines –out loud to everyone you know so you’ll feel like a complete and utter dickhead if you don’t make them happen. And when you reach them, celebrate however you like. A beer, a surf, a massage, a trip to the South of France. Whatever rocks your canoe.
Your audience is the reason you’re creating great content, give it to them.
Let’s strip things right back to basics. You most likely decided to start podcasting because there was a gap in the market for like-minded souls to consume the shit-hot good episodes you knew you were capable of creating. And here you are. Podcasts are often consumed in solitude. It’s just the dulcet tones of your voice existing in the ears, cars and homes of your listeners. With deep concentration and deliberate intention. Despite this, it’s also the perfect opportunity for cultivating connection and building a community. Don’t lose sight of this reason, your audience is hungry for what you’ve got to offer and without you, they’ll starve. Okay, that’s potentially a little dramatic but what we’re saying is, give the people what they want and keep your audience in mind as the best reason to keep on keeping on.
Burnout can happen, no matter how passionately your plight may have been when you first conceptualised your pod. If you develop efficient production, delegate the tasks you dread, set goals and smash them and keep sight of why you started, you’re well on the way for setting yourself up for success.